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Mediumship Session Tips
I would like to try and provide you with some helpful tips for any mediumship reading you may receive. I know from being on both ends of a mediumship reading, it can be a bit stressful and confusing. I hope I can explain a bit and help you feel more comfortable with your future reading.
· NO MATTER how your loved one transitioned they were met with love and acceptance, this includes suicides. Your loved one is in a place of peace and healing with other friends and family and never alone. This is the most important thing to remember! Please do not worry or question if your loved one is safe or happy because without a doubt they are.
· Please try to be free of distractions. Leave children with a sitter and try to keep the fur babies occupied. Turn off the T.V and Cell phone. Especially no driving during the appointment.
· Give yourself plenty of time for the appointment. Don’t squeeze a 45 minute appointment into your hour lunch break. I often go over on time because I do not want to cut Spirit off when giving messages. You don’t want to have to be late for work or cut a reading short.
· Please be sober at the time of the reading. Some might think it’s a good idea to have a drink or few to calm nerves or release some sadness just before a reading but it really isn’t. It can lower your vibration, make it harder for you to focus on details needed for the reading and can cause you to forget the reading which is heartbreaking.
· Be open! This means be open in a few areas. Be open to who comes through during the reading and what messages or details are shared. As much as I would love to be fully in charge of every reading I must admit I am not. Spirit has divine timing and intelligence and they are the ones in charge of the readings flow. They always know best and bring forward your loved ones that can offer the most healing messages at just the right time. So if you are looking to hear from your mom and receive the detail that you have her ring in your pocket but instead your absentee father comes through with a heartfelt apology and the news that he is so proud of your new promotion please don’t be disappointed. Usually shortly after your dad’s message you will get the message from your mom so stay positive.
· Please do not have such strict expectations that you talk yourself out of the amazing validations given to you by your loved ones in spirit. Sometimes people can have the expectation that a medium should be able to list every detail you plan in your head before the reading and if they only get 9 out of the 10 then it wasn’t your love one. We as mediums are only human and don’t and won’t get every and all details correct 100% of the time. It would be such a shame for your loved one to connect and give beautiful messages and evidence only for you to question or doubt if it was really them.
· When paying for your reading you are paying for yourself and maybe a significant other. Your paid session does not and should not (unless it’s a group reading) include your two girlfriends, your mom, your aunt, a second cousin and so on. The biggest reason for this is because if you paid for the reading but friends and family in spirit of the people that you had joined your session were the only ones to come through you would be quite upset. This is a definite reality when giving readings because the medium is opening themselves up during the session and does not have control of who comes in and when. To better your chances of getting a message with whom you wish to hear from its best to limit the sitters during the session.
· There is a term used to describe what happens to a sitter during a mediumship reading when they forget even unforgettable details and memories, this term is called “Reading Amnesia.” It happens quite often due to the fact that you are usually very emotional and in shock over the evidential details being provided by the medium during the reading. It is suggested that you have a list of questions to ask before your session so you do not forget them during. Also it is wise to take notes during your session so you can check any details you were not sure of. Most sessions these days can be recorded with permission.
· During your reading it is very helpful to the medium and your loved ones in spirit if you do not understand something to not just shut it down with a firm, “NO!” If you can imagine your loved one in spirit and the medium trying to speak different languages and you gruffly saying, “NO, that’s wrong!” This will put more pressure on both sides when both sides are just trying their best to communicate with each other for you. If your loved one in spirit or the medium senses you getting angry or frustrated it can lower the vibration needed for exchanging messages or could end the communication all together and no one wants that! It is more helpful to say things like, I am not sure, I don’t believe so or No I know that not to be the case. If something is not correct we mediums want to know so please be honest if we miss the mark.
· Finally relax! Your reading should be a reunion of sorts, although your loved ones are never far away. This should be a time to connect and reminisce about happy memories. Expect a few tears but also a lot of laughs as your loved ones will definitely try to make you smile. And remember there can be a great amount of healing even to some of the most frayed relationships.
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